Monday, March 28, 2011

Day in the life

I wake up, Im wearing the old clothes of the golden city. We gather our clothes from the discarded belongings of the golden city. We ride rusted bikes, sleep on rusted beds, and use old tools. Our city was created by the remaining poor, that were left when the rich moved to live in the sky. Beersheba( the city in the sky) is made from the remaining gold, from the last of the lower earths resources. The inhabitants of Beersheba are never happy because of their greed.  They watch the lower city in the day time as entertainment.  The trees in the lower city fell from birds that dropped them, since then the people of Beersheba have contained all of the birds and keep them tied to golden strings, to further deprive the lower city of seeds for crops. night in the city is made when Beersheba passes over and blocks the sun. 

this will be improved upon. soon. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011